Multimedia Resources

Defendex – Military applications Fire Protection
Mining Vehicles Fire Protection Brochure
Bus Fire Protection – brochure
Inert Gas System Fire Protection- Detex AR / An2
Marine Brochure
Firespy powder
Kitchens and Deep Fryers Brochure
Detexline Electric
Company Trifold (Chinese)
Company Trifold (English)
Mining Brochure (Chinese)
Mining Brochure (English)

Photo Gallery

How easy is to install the first system?

Explaining the step-by-step of Detexline 4v Install

In this video we show the first factory install on a bus.
Most of detexline 4v installations take between 2h and 3h the most.
In factory ready installs, 1h or less is achievable.

detexline 4MC

Fire Suppression Systems for Mining


 Institutional video

The world with protecfire


Certifications videos
