When preparing meals in large kitchens and catering establishments, large quantities of hot fat and oil are in use. Even when handled with the utmost care, they pose a considerable fire risk. An unnoticed failure in the overheating protection can easily cause a major fire. protecfire offers a competitively priced and effective solution for this.
Functionality and operation of a compact fine-spray extinguishing system:
In case of fire, the pneumatic trigger elements are automatically activated by the increasing temperature. The trigger temperature is set at 93°C. The triggering of the system causes a rise in pressure in the pilotline which serves as a signal for the extinguishing process. Our fire-fighting system is based on the principle of a finespray extinguishing system which atomizes the extinguishing agent as a fine mist with the aid of our own specially developed nozzles. In the extinguishing process, the surface of solids and cooking oil is thoroughly wetted and impregnated. A protective film is formed on flammable, liquid fat, blanketing fire areas with a sustainable gas-proof layer.
The protecfire extinguishing system is perfectly suitable for this area because of its tough compactness and insensitivity to external harsh environment. It is a very suitable solution for digging mineral coal because there are no electrical components in the system that could cause an ignition.
Since the system is almost maintenance-free, high expenses and downtimes are significantly reduced for the operating company. Multiple fire tests carried out by Deutsche Montan Technologie have proven the effectiveness of the extinguishing technology.
Protecfire (Langfang)
Fire Systems Technology Co., Ltd.
Building 8.
Satellite Navigation Industrial Park.
Guan Xinxing Industrial Park.
Langfang city
065500 Hebei.
People’s Republic of China.
Tel.: +86 316 5929119
Fax: +86 316 5922569
E-Mail: sales@protecfirechina.cn
Contact: Zhang Wen Xi
Protecfire Engineering Pte Ltd
Protecfire (Asia Pacific) Ltd
Asia Pacific HQ
11 Changi North Street 1
#03-08 Singapore 498823
Tel. +65 62445880
E-Mail: sales@protecfire.com.sg
Contact: Mike Goh
protecfire@2023 all rights reserved